Expand Your Social Media Horizons.

Most young people in 2015 feel like they have a pretty good understanding of social media. Most of us have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, along with the other popular North American applications. As regular users of these major social media platforms, we now believe ourselves experts. The fact of the matter is we have a limited understanding of the wide variety social media tools from a professional communication standpoint. The Public relations program at Mohawk College focuses heavily on introducing us to new and different social media platforms as well as teaching us how to properly use social media in general.
If it were not for the Social Media in Business assignment given to us in the communication technologies course I would never have heard of social media tools such as Wechat, WordPress, or Presspage, let alone know how to use them in a business setting. By assigning us a wide variety of potential tools, the class helps to give us a proper breadth of knowledge in order to stay current in practices used by businesses and communicators. Through the introduction of a solid variety of social media platforms the PR program really does work to give us a substantial base of usable knowledge at our fingertips.

Furthermore, a large part of the assignment is spent researching a specific social media tool. The topic my group was assigned was Wechat. Wechat is a great chatting and sharing application that is actually the most popular in the world. Before being assigned to research this platform, I had no idea what it was or how to use it. Through the research I had to do, I now know what it is, how to use it, and perhaps most importantly how to explain to other people why they should use it for their business. I can tell people about how it can help connect businesses and their customers in a more personal manner among other things. This knowledge gained was all due to commitment of our program to keep us current in technologies that may be helpful when we become professionals. 

Kirk Simonovski
