PR Perspective of Donald Trump Campaign

PR Perspective of Donald Trump Campaign 
Donald Trump, to the surprise of many is leading in the polls in his bid for the Republican Presidential nomination.  He obviously has a strong public relations team in place.  I wanted to break down his campaign from the PR perspective using eight elements of R.A.C.E., to see why he might be having such success.

Situation Analysis:
There are a lot of Americans who are frustrated with immigration, and feel disenchanted under the impression that immigrants have taken their jobs and way of life. These tend to be Americans that are uneducated, lower income or what many consider to be far right wing republicans. These particular individuals are tired of diversity, political correctness, and acceptance of new culture as they feel it is taking away from their own. These Americans are interested in a leader that will bring America back from its non-progressive stance.  These people are happy to hear comments against sexuality, religious beliefs or ethnic origin as it reflects their own ideologies. 

To achieve the Republican candidacy, Donald Trump will inform disenchanted groups who identify with white nationalist ideology in order to gain public support.

Republicans, uneducated or lower educated Americans, lower income Americans, Republican governed states, religious Christian-right Americans, homophobic and/or racist Americans, white nationalists.  

1)      Gain media in order to have constant coverage in both print, television and radio outlets.
2)      Use social media to deliver his message.
3)      Using fear to scare Americans into thinking they are in a hostile environment

“Make American Great Again”


Gain media in order to have constant coverage in both print, television and radio outlets.

1)      Stating racist and offensive comments about women, African Americans, Muslims, Mexicans and people with disabilities to all media in order to spark public attention and discussion plus gain journalistic attention.
2)      Donald Trump will lie purposely because one, he knows full well he can get away with it, and two, will use lies as a tactic to appear to American fears and strike hatred.  This hatred will then create a media storm.

Use social media to deliver his message.

1)      Spreads awareness of hatred across Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools in order to spread fear and divide Americans.
2)      Uses social media outlets in order to spread the Trump message that America was great before ethnic, racial, women and sexual minors wanted equal rights. Then have supporters carry forth and spread the messages of hatred across the nation.

Using fear to scare Americans into thinking they are in a hostile environment

1)      Telling his supporting audiences at rallies about white women being raped by Mexican men. Or uses false evidence and claims to spread a message of hate and discrimination.
2)      Has formed groups of supporters who monitor his media presence and that will defend his message.

Budget: 2 Million dollar campaign


Stating racist, and offensive comments about women, African Americans, Muslims, Mexicans and people with disabilities to all media in order to spark public attention and journalistic attention.

Trump can use google analytics in order measure how many media outlets have run coverage on his comments, rallies or any campaign activities.

Donald Trump will lie purposely because one, knowing full well he can get away with it, and two, will use lies as a tactic to appear to American fears and strike hatred.  This hatred will then be reported on.

What publicity has been published?

By what media outlets?

Trump can use google analytics in order measure how many media outlets have run coverage on his lies.

What outlets did not run a story? Did they run a rebuttal?

Survey them asking why they did not or did not run a story?

Spreads awareness of hatred across Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools in order to spread fear and divide Americans.

Use google analytics to see how many comments, likes and shares were made on Facebook.

How many on Twitter, how many retweets or favourites?

How many supporter comments were made?

Use social media outlets in order to spread the Trump message that America was great before ethnic, racial, women and sexual minors wanted equal rights. Then have supporters spread the messages of hatred across the nation.

Survey all Republican members to see what they think of Trump’s messages.

How many support groups?

How many support groups spread media messages?

What were peoples’ comments in their posts?

Telling his supporting audiences at rallies about white women being raped by Mexican men. Or uses false evidence and claims to spread a message of hate and discrimination.

Do an evaluation survey after rallies for all supporters who attended?

Do a media survey for all those who attended the event?

Have formed groups of supporters who monitor is media presence and that will defend his message.
Use Hootsuite to monitor all social media posts, shares, likes and comments.

How many negative posts?

How many supporters?
