Public Relations: The Job Behind the Scenes

Speechwriting, communication materials, social media content, and spokespeople are all things that people don’t think are derived from one person, the Public Relations (PR) Practitioner. A lot of people don’t know who are behind the scenes of writing the Prime Minister’s speeches, creating brochures and flyers for their local dentist office, or who is quoted in newspapers as the spokesperson from large organizations. What many don’t know is that all of these flow from the Communications or Public Relations Department or agency.

Organizations are realizing more and more how important public relations or communications are in order to uphold the company’s brand and image, while keeping them positively relevant in the news. Many organizations have their own public relations departments, however, there are many large companies that hire PR firms such as Little Caesars, Audi, Google, and Kinder.

With technology growing, platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all monitored by people in public relations as their designated position. Therefore, the CEO of Audi is not the one checking and sending out the company’s tweets, it is those in digital communications.

So the next time you hear the speeches of the presidential candidates of the United States, see a flyer or brochure from your local hospital, or see a spokesperson quoted in a newspaper article, know that is most likely the public relations professionals behind the scenes.
